Have you been bullied?

The Evolve Project is a nonprofit, anti-bullying and positive self esteem program which utilizes music and professional performers to provide curriculum which focuses on teaching tolerance and respect. Over 160,000 children a day, stay away from school because they fear being bullied. When gone unchecked, bullying can have severe, long term affects on a child's self esteem and mental health, which can last a lifetime. The Evolve Project empowers our children to be better people, even when there is not an authority figure around. To make real change, we must unite together in our words and actions, which verify that we stand for tolerance and basic respect for others as well as ourselves!  

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You are an essential part of the solution.

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motivated and inspired

motivated and inspired

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Boost your self esteem! Join one of our private online forums and tell your story to empower yourself and others, so they know they are not alone!

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